
Jan­u­ary 24


12:00 am — 1:00 am 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-01 (JANUARY), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Radis­son Hotel Pis­cat­away-Som­er­set, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Radis­son Hotel Piscataway-Somerset

21 Kings­bridge Road

Pis­cat­away, NJ, Unit­ed States, 08854

Join our Black Mass at Evil Expo: A 3‑Day Cel­e­bra­tion of Glo­ri­ous Vil­lainy! Mass will begin prompt­ly at Mid­night in the Grand Ball­room at the Radis­son Hotel Pis­cat­away-Som­er­set! Evil Expo tick­ets required to attend & partake.

Madame X, High Priest­ess, Matri­arch of House of the Dream­ing and Primus of the Iron Gar­den, with Co-Offi­ciant: Sven­galeön, bring you a Mid­night Black Mass, and invite you to Com­mune with the Great Tri­ad of Gods of the Abyss. This mean­ing­ful Chaos Mag­ick inspired cer­e­mo­ny has been specif­i­cal­ly cre­at­ed to cel­e­brate the Birthright of Evil­Ex­po. Fri­day, Jan­u­ary 24th, 2020, marks the birth of a new dawn for the mis­un­der­stood, the mis­judged, the feared and the hated. 

In this all-ages cer­e­mo­ny we will cre­ate sacred space and raise our astral tem­ple with the pri­mor­dial ele­ments of Air, Fire, Water & Earth. Through our Live Altar we will invoke a fiendish Tri­ad of Ancient Gods from the dark­est recess­es of The Abyss to join us and bless each of us with their divinity.
From the Nordic lands of Old Europe, we sum­mon forth the infer­nal Norse God­dess Hel, Under­world Mis­tress, of the hell­ish Land of the Dead — embod­ied by Uzurael!
From the time before the pyra­mids, out of the for­bid­den lands of Ancient Egypt, we sum­mon forth the fierce God­dess Shek­met, Mis­tress of the bat­tle­field — embod­ied by Hele­na Wilde!
From the dark womb of Moth­er Earth itself and all that is pri­mal, bes­tial and vir­ile, we sum­mon forth the great horned god Cer­nun­nos, Lord of the Wild — embod­ied by Wulfsunus!
Joined by the spir­i­tu­al bonds of a Com­mu­ni­ty who choos­es to love and val­ue the feared and mis­un­der­stood, this night we will be strength­ened by the bless­ings of these most pow­er­ful yet feared ancient gods. We ask that you come join us, still your hearts, and seek sage advice from this fan­tas­tic Tri­ad of the Abyss.

This is Evil Expo’s First Sanc­tum! Here we will direct our ener­gies and ready our­selves for a New Year, a bril­liant First Chap­ter, where Evil­Ex­po and the Com­mu­ni­ty as a whole, emerge and rise with the best of bless­ings from the Dark Gods.