
Feb­ru­ary 4


6:30 pm — 7:30 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

* Sub­mis­sions, 2021-02 (FEBRUARY), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Open Din­er


New York

New York

Con­trary to what you may have heard, you are need­ed in this world!

Not just as a con­sumer, a vot­er, or a work­er, but as a facet of the col­lec­tive bril­liance and immense intel­li­gence that exists here.

We are made of this plan­et and of each oth­er. We are alive here for a rea­son, in the most tur­bu­lent and rad­i­cal time in history.

The way we’ve been taught to live has led us to more depres­sion, drug abuse, cor­rup­tion, lies, lone­li­ness, and hope­less­ness than ever before.

We’ve been con­di­tioned to think that there’s no oth­er way. But there is.

We are designed for absolute greatness!

Togeth­er we can find and tune to the fre­quen­cy of integri­ty, authen­tic­i­ty, pur­pose, and love. We can dis­cov­er and live our col­lec­tive bril­liance! The way for­ward is together.

Join Us!

Thur., Feb. 4th, 6:30 PM EST

Zoom Meet­ing

Meet­ing ID: 983 2631 7116
Pass­code: 200247

Or watch us live on Face­book or Youtube: OpenDiner


Open Din­er is a shared vir­tu­al space where peo­ple just like you and I can come togeth­er. We enjoy a host­ed meal with music, toasts, dis­cus­sion, and more while stay­ing safe­ly at home.

We meet every Thurs­day, 6:30 PM. Every­one is welcome!