
May 23


11:30 am — 2:30 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

2020-05 (MAY), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

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Breathe Your Way into Bet­ter Sleep and a Deep­er Sense of Peace. First Hand Expe­ri­ence and Ances­tral Teach­ings of One of Science’s Most Pow­er­ful Heal­ing Modalities!

Bet­ter Sleep & the Vagus Nerve
3‑Hour Live Stream Vir­tu­al Breath Immersion
Sat­ur­day May 23rd
11:30am — 2:30pm PST
**Video Record­ing Options Available**

What would your life look like if you got the qual­i­ty sleep you need, and your ner­vous sys­tem was able to reset more deeply? And how do you get there?

The core of this pro­gram is based in the foun­da­tion of gen­eros­i­ty, ser­vice and devo­tion. It is where self-explo­ration leads to mind, body, spir­it connection.

Imag­ine — being gift­ed the same unfath­omable peace that only those Holy, Saint­ed and or renounced of the mate­r­i­al world have reached. Is there a pos­si­bil­i­ty that one might become inti­mate with what has been long sought after and known in the Ancient East­ern Tra­di­tions as Samadhi?

Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life with­in us. Between the two stands Resistance.
— Steven Pressfield

This Immer­sion, led by Michael Bri­an Bak­er, will include a guid­ed active breath­ing med­i­ta­tion, inte­gra­tion, the below explo­rative research:

* The Impor­tance of Sleep for Immune Func­tion, Mem­o­ry, & more
* Parasym­pa­thet­ic Sys­tem, aka “Rest & Digest” System
* The Vagus Nerve — Largest cra­nial nerve which car­ries sig­nals between the brain and most of the inter­nal organs
* Breath Tech­niques to Low­er Stress, Increase Cog­ni­tion, & Cre­ate Bet­ter Over­all Health
* Ini­ti­a­tion to the path of Vital Force — Prana (Life Force Energy)
* Devel­op­ing a sim­ple home prac­tice that has the pow­er to shape the future and guide one towards bet­ter rest, relax­ation, moti­va­tion, and sense of well-being.

Open to indi­vid­u­als of all lev­els and belief sys­tems, no expe­ri­ence required.

Facil­i­tat­ed by: Michael Bri­an Bak­er, founder of The Breath Center

Whether you are new to stud­ies and writ­ings relat­ed to the expan­sion of con­scious aware­ness or you have tenure as a ther­a­pist or arts prac­ti­tion­er, the infor­ma­tion and appli­ca­tions shared self­less­ly in this immer­sion are tru­ly priceless.

This work­shop is designed to pro­vide tools and infor­ma­tion for par­tic­i­pants to improve their qual­i­ty of sleep and attain deep­er lev­els of relax­ation and emo­tion­al well-being. Increase your pas­sion and moti­va­tion for life, feel more con­nect­ed to your­self and oth­ers, and have fun learn­ing and evolv­ing in the process!

The com­bi­na­tion of gen­tle, humor-based guid­ance, sound ther­a­py and refined rit­u­al enriched meth­ods shared in each group open the major­i­ty of atten­dees into com­plete­ly new, fresh mind­sets, refram­ing the way one thinks and responds to dai­ly chal­lenges and phys­i­cal discomfort.

This is not only an extend­ed deep­en­ing expe­ri­ence with Michael Bri­an Bak­er, but also a glimpse into “The Anato­my of Awak­en­ing Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Program”.

Join Live, Pur­chase the Video Record­ing for Replay, or Both!

Reg­is­ter & Learn more about the Program: