
Jan­u­ary 28


6:30 pm — 7:30 pm 

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

* Sub­mis­sions, 2021-01 (JANUARY), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

Open Din­er

Web­site: Orga­niz­er’s Website

Here we are again with anoth­er excit­ing ses­sion of the Open Din­er, where we’ll talk about these won­der­ous things in our heads called thoughts as we eat pas­ta togeth­er. What’s bet­ter than that on a Thurs­day night in social isolation? 🙂

Togeth­er we break the walls that sep­a­rate us and over­come lone­li­ness and bore­dom by build­ing pos­i­tive connections.

Bring your favorite pas­ta dish and pre­pare for a won­der­ful time in warm com­pa­ny, where there are no right or wrong answers. The only true answer is found between us.

Amaz­ing live enter­tain­ment, great con­ver­sa­tion, and thought-pro­vok­ing dis­cus­sion are just a few of the won­der­ful things that await us. All you have to do is RSVP and click on the zoom link at 6:30 PM on Thurs­day night. Can’t wait to see you all!