
Jan­u­ary 2 — 2:00 pm


Jan­u­ary 3 — 2:00 pm

Event Cat­e­go­ry:

* Sub­mis­sions, 2021-01 (JANUARY), Dates, Invi­ta­tions (ARCHIVE), Online Event, Venues

Click to Register: Click to Register

ZEMZ Events and More

Web­site: Orga­niz­er’s Website

Com­fort of Your Heart Desires

Com­fort of Your Heart Desires

Month­ly on the first Sat­ur­day of EVERY month for 24 hours, from 9a-9a EST – you can learn, shop, and con­nect with busi­ness­es from the WORLD!

Join our Ven­dors on ZEMZ Vir­tu­al Event Man­age­ment Platform
This event is FREE to ALL!!

ZEMZ Events hosts month­ly vir­tu­al vend­ing event to share with the World­wide Com­mu­ni­ty, the small busi­ness­es that are here push­ing through COVID!
Our events part­ner with small busi­ness­es to cre­ate a vir­tu­al space for them to con­tin­ue to share their prod­ucts and ser­vices with poten­tial customers.

Please pre-reg­is­ter right on the event site: — we will email you reminders to ensure you do not miss your oppor­tu­ni­ty with con­nect­ing with our amaz­ing par­tic­i­pat­ing Businesses!

3 ways you can support:
*Do you own a Busi­ness? Then you know all too well the strug­gles of hav­ing one, sup­port anoth­er Business.
*Are you just a con­sumer who likes to sup­port small busi­ness­es? If you like what you see, get what you like!
*Last­ly, if you do not have the time to par­tic­i­pate in the event but want to sup­port our par­tic­i­pat­ing Busi­ness­es. Take a moment to donate. Your dona­tion will be split amongst all our par­tic­i­pat­ing Businesses.

We encour­age every­one to join us! If you are a Busi­ness with a prod­uct or ser­vice that can be shipped, nation­wide or world­wide and/or done vir­tu­al­ly. We have space for you!
Please vis­it and click Become a Vendor!

Please con­tin­ue to share and with your community!