Lau­ren Cur­tis Art on — Visu­al Arts


About The Artist Lau­ren Curtis

​Being a full time artist was always my dream ever since I was grad­u­at­ed with a Bach­e­lor of Fine Arts degree from Mason Gross School of the Arts (Rut­gers Uni­ver­si­ty, New Brunswick, NJ) in 1988.
After grad­u­a­tion I remained in Cen­tral New Jer­sey, in the New Brunswick/Somerset/Franklin Park area & have been sell­ing my work through­out the U.S. and in Europe, and am a free­lance illus­tra­tor & graph­ic design­er as well as a fine artist. I have par­tic­i­pat­ed in over 150 solo, juried & group exhi­bi­tions, and am a mem­ber of sev­er­al NJ Arts organizations.

​​My work is shown in gal­leries, Holis­tic & Crafter Expos, health cen­ters & local busi­ness­es in the Met­ro­pol­i­tan, Tri-State area, & is in many pri­vate collections. 

More than a decade ago I start­ed giv­ing pri­vate art and art mar­ket­ing lessons & enjoy help­ing oth­er cre­atives reach their goals.

The var­i­ous media I work with include oils, acrylics, pen & ink, water­col­or, pen­cil, char­coals, col­lage, mixed media and pho­tog­ra­phy, along with dig­i­tal art & graph­ic design cre­at­ed in Photoshop. 

I have been com­mis­sioned to cre­ate a wide range of art­work, includ­ing his­tor­i­cal & book illus­tra­tions, pet por­traits, paint­ings, graph­ics and designs for crafter & greet­ing card com­pa­nies and busi­ness­es. My illus­tra­tions, pho­tographs and poet­ry have appeared in nation­al & inter­na­tion­al print­ed & on-line publications. 

My own visu­al art­work focus­es on mytho­log­i­cal and Earth-cen­tered spir­i­tu­al themes & often encom­pass­es my love of the Goth­ic & Steam­punk cultures. 

My love of nature, trav­el & explor­ing dif­fer­ent cul­tures inspire my paint­ings and pho­tog­ra­phy. I enjoy the chal­lenge of cre­at­ing pieces to meet my client’s needs, as well as my own self-expres­sive fine artworks.

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