Hail­ing from the seedy gay under­bel­ly of Amish coun­try, DJ STYGIAN (Kris Kitts) tai­lors diverse tastes in music to equal­ly diverse events. In 2023 alone, he pro­vid­ed the music for month­ly club nights, mak­ers’ mar­kets, 200+ attendee fetish/swingers’ par­ties, and a very whole­some wed­ding. Noth­ing is off lim­its — the weird­er, the better!

STYGIAN main­tains four month­ly club/bar res­i­den­cies across PA, DE, and Wash­ing­ton, DC. Among these is Shad­ow­land Lan­cast­er, Cen­tral PA’s longest-run­ning dark alter­na­tive dance par­ty of 16+ years, which he was giv­en own­er­ship of in Novem­ber 2023. He also shared stages with some of goth and industrial’s best-known names both old and new, includ­ing Front 242, Vision Video (goth dad!), and Moris Blak. 

When it comes to music, STYGIAN’s first loves all fall under the umbrel­la of dark alter­na­tive gen­res with a danci­er bent: indus­tri­al, EBM, dark­wave, aggrotech, elec­tro­clash, future­pop, and alter­na­tive pop. He brings these to the dance­floor with an infu­sion of queer ball­room, dark dis­co, indus­tri­al-adja­cent hip-hop and tech­no, and a shot­gun blast of pop music with obvi­ous roots in heav­ier gen­res. He will die on the hill that Janet Jackson’s “Rhythm Nation” is indus­tri­al and you will pry that truth from his cold, dead, very gay hands.

He also enjoys and is decent­ly lit­er­ate in all the below!

  • goth: trad, post punk, indus­tri­al bass, pow­er­noise, witch house, new wave/romantic, visu­al kei.
  • pop: all of it — espe­cial­ly lady gaga and kim petras.
  • decades: 80s, 90s, 00s.
  • house & tech­no: euro­dance, trance & vocal trance, ita­lo dis­co, detroit house, acid house, bunker.
  • pride hits & ball­room beats

If you’re look­ing for some­one adapt­able, punc­tu­al, and a bit goofy — some­one who can go from street casu­al to fetish­wear and back again — STYGIAN is your guy. Want a tight beat­match and smooth tran­si­tions? He is def­i­nite­ly your guy. Get in touch, why don’t you? He won’t bite (unless you ask).

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