(The Sedona Effect)
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The Aquar­i­an called The Sedona Effect ” every bit a per­for­mance art project as it is an EBM band” and front singer Kai Iri­na Hahn a “mul­ti­tal­ent­ed kind of Nina Hagen meets Bil­lie Holiday”.

Inspired by the grit­ty extremes of her new digs in New York, German/American per­for­mance artist Kai Iri­na Hahn found­ed her EBM band The Sedona Effect in 2013 in Brook­lyn, NY as a solo project that involved a num­ber of very tal­ent­ed musi­cal col­lab­o­ra­tors in the US and Europe. A sexy voice and hard beats blend into dis­tort­ed melodies that long for a har­mo­ny that the estranged self will nev­er reach. With its indus­tri­al ele­ments, dark lyrics and beats that pulse between EBM and Dark Wave the Sedona Effect is one of the few female front­ed bands in this genre. Her debut album VORTICES which is cur­rent­ly in the mak­ing explores extreme feel­ings, bor­der­line sit­u­a­tions and the dark sides of fem­i­nin­i­ty. In light of their the­atri­cal shows The Aquar­i­an called The Sedona Effect ” every bit a per­for­mance art project as it is an EBM band” and front singer Kai Iri­na Hahn a “mul­ti­tal­ent­ed kind of Nina Hagen meets Bil­lie Holiday”.

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