(Alisan­dra Wederich)


Alisan­dra Wed­erich of Altered Aesthetic
With over 25 years of ded­i­cat­ed con­tri­bu­tion to the arts, I am Alisan­dra Wed­erich, the artist behind Altered Aes­thet­ic, LLC. My cre­ative jour­ney began long before my pro­fes­sion­al career. I nev­er stopped draw­ing, and began explor­ing pho­tog­ra­phy from the age of 12, col­lect­ing many addi­tion­al art sup­plies in my youth. My career in the arts evolved into a life­long com­mit­ment to chal­leng­ing soci­etal norms and cham­pi­oning human and ani­mal rights through my art.

Hold­ing a magna cum laude degree in visu­al art from Ramapo Col­lege of New Jer­sey, my career has weath­ered the chal­lenges of eco­nom­ic down­turns, lead­ing me to diverse expe­ri­ences. From found­ing a gallery at Thomas Sweet Cafe in Skill­man, NJ curat­ing the gal­leries of Straube Cen­ter in Pen­ning­ton, NJ for five years, co-found­ing the Red Fil­ter Fine Art Gallery in Lam­bertville, NJ, my career in gallery set­tings reflects my pas­sion for improv­ing enjoy­ment of visu­al arts in my com­mu­ni­ty; a ben­e­fit to both local view­ers and artists. 

In addi­tion to my gallery work, I’ve embraced cre­ative col­lab­o­ra­tion and inno­va­tion through found­ing and man­ag­ing NJ Artists, a vibrant online com­mu­ni­ty for artists with an ever-grow­ing num­ber of mem­bers, fos­ter­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion, shar­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, and cel­e­brat­ing the vibrant arts scene in New Jersey. 

As the founder of Altered Aes­thet­ic, my artis­tic endeav­ors aim to encour­age audi­ences to appre­ci­ate human and ani­mal rights through a new per­spec­tive. Explore the unique and thought-pro­vok­ing world of Altered Aes­thet­ic, where art becomes a pow­er­ful medi­um for soci­etal intro­spec­tion and change.

Inter­est­ed in work­ing with me?
You reach out to me here or on LinkedIn!

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