Yluko.de (Yluko)

SOURCE: Yluko.de

Y‑Luk‑O is a project inspired by indus­tri­al, elec­tro and exper­i­men­tal music. The band was found­ed in 1999 in Lon­don by Leonar­do von Leib­nitz and Yluko. Basic prin­ci­ple was the cre­ation of unusu­al sound scapes and struc­tures beyond tra­di­tion­al song and sound combinations.

Y‑Luk‑O released their debut album back in 2001 on the Frank­furt-based label Sonic‑X after they pro­duced a three-track demo in 2000. This CD attract­ed much atten­tion with media and audi­ence as well as col­leagues of oth­er bands. Already one year lat­er, in 2002, the band releas­es with “Keri­on Cel­si” the sec­ond album. Orig­i­nal­ly planned to be a remix-album, the band’s cre­ative out­put had been so immense, that a full-length album with only three remix­es was released. On that artists of Front242, In the nurs­ery and Kir­lian Cam­era showed their respect and sup­port for the work of the band.

Y‑Luk‑O toured in the year 2003 in Ger­many with Kiew. The band impres­sive­ly demon­strat­ed their great live capa­bil­i­ties by a mul­ti­me­dia show with video pro­jec­tions, live drum­mers and per­form­ers and was able to gain a fur­ther fan base among the fas­ci­nat­ed audi­ence. After the release of “Keri­on Cel­si” in the USA in sum­mer 2004, the band toured the whole USA in Novem­ber / Decem­ber 2004 with great suc­cess and had been cel­e­brat­ed enthusiastically!

Y‑Luk‑O released the full-length album “Elek­triz­itätswerk” in 2005 fol­lowed by the EP “Resis­tance” in Novem­ber. Both releas­es had been a suc­cess for the band and a big gain of reputation.

After a cre­ative break Y‑Luk‑O fin­ished the fifth stu­dio release called “Sin(n)“ in 2008 after a pro­duc­tion peri­od of more than one year. Y‑Luk‑O explored new paths of Indus­tri­al-Pop with their fifth stu­dio album “Sin(n)” and sur­pris­es with more bril­liant melodies and pos­si­bly the most hon­est and direct sound in their sev­en year his­to­ry. Cel­li, vio­lins and acoustic gui­tars have made their way into Y‑Luk‑O’s com­po­si­tions as one of the most clas­si­cal elec­tron­ic instru­ments – the Theremin, whose sound has brought fear into the hearts of gen­er­a­tions of Hitch­cock lovers. For the first time in the band his­to­ry Y‑Luk‑O cov­ered songs from famous oth­er bands – name­ly INXS, Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd!

After a longer peri­od of relo­ca­tions, exper­i­ments and field research on sound design and clas­si­cal com­po­si­tion, Y‑Luk‑O returned to their stu­dios in now Boston and Leipzig to work on new mate­r­i­al. The new EP „Autark“ will be the first release for eight years and will cel­e­brate the bands 15th anniver­sary of their debut release „Dead with­out you“. Y‑Luk‑O became a more open project with a stronger focus on audio­vi­su­al con­cepts also on stage by coop­er­a­tions with musi­cians and artists like Gui­do Litke (Dig­i­tal Fac­tor), Olaf Parusel (sToa) and Michael Her­rmann (ABGe­dreht Production).

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