Lost Tapes

A mys­tery spot­light­ing the excite­ment felt when you came to your bed­room to go on a musi­cal adven­ture as a kid. Instru­ments, sounds, voic­es per­formed, writ­ten & pro­duced by =Z=.

The gen­e­sis sparked from a life­time of love for the Punk world to the sim­i­lar per­spec­tive of ear­ly Jazz to the artis­tic direc­tion of New Roman­tic, Exper­i­men­tal and Indus­tri­al music. 

Record Store Day 2019 Release. 

The bulk of this song was writ­ten and record­ed with­in a 2–3 hour time frame.
I’ll drag you around
In the trench­es of me.
And I’ll shake you away
To the dark cold place you hate. 

I’ll build you up
And tear you down
Six underground,
In the trench­es of me.… 

I’ll strip you down
’til you don’t know “Right” from “Wrong”
Your body trembling
Well ain’t that “Love”.

I’ll build you up
And tear you down
Six underground,
In the trench­es of me.… 

Then you start to wonder
Who, who you are.
Why you’re feel­ing under
Will it leave a men­tal scar. 

I’ll build you up
And tear you down
Six underground,
In the trench­es of me.…

Released Record Store Day — April 13, 2019
Gui­tars, Bass, Synth, Drums, Drum Pro­gram­ming, Voice, Lyrics and Pro­duc­tion by ‑Z-