
SOURCE: TangenTNoir.com

I have been labeled a Creative;
and, my name is TangenT.

I’ve been hear­ing music since before I knew that it was called music. It took me a long time to under­stand that I was a “musi­cian”. It all seemed to be a very nat­ur­al process. As if dri­ven by instinct, it has always seemed to be a nor­mal act of purg­ing my soul. Almost as if it were a cry out for solu­tions to dilem­mas at present.

My work is frank and based in truth. I write the truth about all of the world’s crap and beau­ty; and, I believe the best way to do this is through sound. Peo­ple believe in what they see whether they like it or not; but, peo­ple under­stand what they hear only if they choose. I tend to act upon what I believe and hear because belief has more to do with audi­ble words, feel­ings, con­cepts, and ideas than what I see does. I believe that this process helps to stall and derail the process of con­tribut­ing to the con­sen­sus of any cur­rent cor­rupt social construct.

I have always been dri­ven by writ­ing about the “fuzzi­ness” in life. Basic instincts, rel­a­tive truth, lies, inter­nal con­flicts between the sex­es, and things that moti­vate people’s per­cep­tions of human real­i­ty. I believe that this is the job of any “CREATIVE”. It is our oblig­a­tion to reflect and give light to the present state of con­scious­ness. We are the gate keep­ers of the truth even if what we see and hear is not. If “CREATIVES” do not do this, I believe that all is lost and that our human­i­ty and civ­i­liza­tion will end as we know it. With­out this atten­tion to truth, the world would be plagued with non stop wars. The aver­age soles just aren’t designed to deal with such a build-up.

I have been labeled a Creative;
and, my name is TangenT.

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