(Inspire Art Gallery & Studio)
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Inspire and why it’s here.

I would like to take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to intro­duce myself Hal VanDermark,and Inspire Art Gallery & Stu­dio, which I opened in May 2018. I’m a Navy Vet who has always appre­ci­at­ed the Arts, when I was in High School they con­sid­ered me “Gift­ed & Tal­ent­ed” and I enjoyed being an artist. Skip­ping class­es to go the art room was­n’t going to get me in col­lege, at the time I was “Gift­ed” I would just get in. Not hav­ing the grades for col­lege I joined the U.S. Navy, Trav­eled the World and the Sev­en Seas and proud of my time served.
Fast For­ward some 40 years lat­er my chil­dren are grown, I end up in hos­pi­tal. Doc­tor say’s you can’t go back to work, what do I do ? Go back to work and end up in the hos­pi­tal again, now you have my atten­tion Doc. I start­ed suf­fer­ing from depres­sion, not being able to work, get around as used to. It hit me hard and I start­ed real­ly digress and have seri­ous issues, I was in a bad place and need­ed treatment.
I picked up the paint brush put it to the can­vas and look what hap­pened! SO being ” Tal­ent­ed” is not as impor­tant as being “Gift­ed” and putting togeth­er Inspire Art Gallery & Stu­dio is tru­ly find­ing out what Gift­ed & Tal­ent­ed real­ly means. Giv­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ty to young aspir­ing artists and putting Inspi­ra­tion out there for those yet to find their tal­ents is the rea­son for Inspire Art Gallery & Stu­dio. Much of my work is at the Gallery, not hang­ing but there. I want to give the Artist the feel­ing of pride and joy see­ing there work hang­ing in a Gallery.
As I said in the open­ing, I opened in May of 2018 since then I have gone from 8 artists’ show­ing to over 30. Last year I turned 60, but meet­ing all these Artists’ now I feel as if I’m 30. I would appre­ci­ate if you would be able to help pro­mote this lit­tle” Gem” in the tiny town of Dunellen. If you would like to con­tact me for any oth­er info you can call the Gallery at 732–762-7000 Thank you, Hal Van­Der­mark Inspire Art Gallery & Stu­dio Get Inspired.….. Cre­ate Art !!

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